Multiple Network Cards

Raul A. Gallegos raul at
Wed May 16 07:16:45 EDT 2001

H.  I'm currently using two identical realteck network cards with the
ne2k-pci.o module.  The nice things about this is that since they are the
same cards only one module is used for both.  One automatically comes up
on irq9 while on irq11.  I did n't have to run the dos config utility but
I could have if necessary.  For the most part it will  be very streight
and simple getting two nics that are identical to work in the box.

Raul A. Gallegos
Email: raul at	icq#: 5283055
msn: ragallegos at	aim: raulagallegos

On Fri, 11 May 2001, Steve Holmes wrote:

> I know, this is more generic than speakup, but I'm wanting to hook up two
> network cards to one of my linux boxes.  Using one to connect to a
> broadband modem and the other for my inside local area network.
> I don't invision real problems configuring the two separate interfaces
> (eth0 and eth1) but do wonder about putting two similar network cards on
> the same bus.  I'm thinking about IRQ conflicts, I/O base addresses and
> all that good stuff.  This is not a plug and pray setup, but the cards are
> "jumperless" where I would configure them from a provided DOS utility.
> Have any of you brains out there done this? how did it go for you?  Will
> there really be any problems configuring separate cards in the same
> machine like this?  I would think this would be a trivial matter for any
> machine that works as a gateway or router.
> Thanks for any help.
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