Steve Holmes steve at
Mon May 7 01:45:19 EDT 2001

Hi Joe, I've always wondered what exactly went on a Slackware boot disk.
I was thinking of building a new slackware boot disk when the next distro
version came out.  Figured I could help out if needs be.  I figure it is
probably nothing more than a set of devs, lilo and the kernel.  One thing
I've never come by is the proper configuration for the kernel compile.  Do
you have that info by chance?

I would like to get a set of slackware boots with speakup 10A at least, if
not, a good CVS version.  The way it is now, if one uses the current
slackware version, they have to use speakup 0.09 with 2.2.16 kernel.  I
think a boot with 2.2.19 would be in order though Current slackware prod
is still back with 2.2.16 kernel.

On Fri, 4 May 2001, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi Mo:
> Regarding color.gz, you should be able to use color.gz from the slackware 
> distribution (if it matches the boot disk).  The only thing I needed to 
> modify was the kernel for the boot disk.  So, if you have Slackware 7.0 or 
> 7.1, the only thing you really need to download is the particular boot disk 
> for the distribution and synth you have.
> Hope that helps.
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