Raul A. Gallegos raul at
Fri May 4 06:13:39 EDT 2001

It's actually better to use rawrite from real dos mode so shutting down
windows completely is recommended.  Also, I've had better luck with
rawrite2 but that is just from personal experience.

Raul A. Gallegos
Email: raul at	icq#: 5283055
msn: ragallegos at	aim: raulagallegos

On Fri, 4 May 2001, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi Mo:
> Never used winrawrite, so I can't comment on that.  Have you tried using
> rawrite.exe (the one that runs in a DOS box)?  I believe that might work,
> just a little slower.  Of course, I don't know your setup.  What version of
> Windows are you using now and do you have a DOS screen-reader?  If you're
> using Windows 98 Second Edition or earlier, you should be able to shutdown
> and restart in DOS mode and be able to do the rawrite from a straight DOS
> prompt.
> Again, I haven't used winrawrite, but, I'll look for it and try it, just in
> case.

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