setting up email for linux.

Geoff Shang gshang at
Mon Mar 19 07:07:08 EST 2001


I've never seen the interface spec before.  This might cause problems later
depending on how you do net access, so you might want to remove it or at
least comment it out.  I was going to repost detailed instructions on how
to do the fetchmail thing, but you seem to have it sussed already (well

The permissions thing is to safeguard your password.  Fetchmail will not
permit you to have a .fetchmailrc file that is readable by anyone else.  So
you will want read and write access for you and no-one else.  The easiest
way to do this is:

chmod 600 .fetchmailrc

You could also do:

chmod u=rw,go= .fetchmailrc

if you find that clearer.  Either way, it gives the user read/write access
and the group and other users no access.  You need these set or fetchmail
will refuse to run.


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