Gregory Nowak romualt at megsinet.net
Fri Jun 15 07:34:22 EDT 2001

The only time you need to switch to binary is if you're using
an ftp client such as ftp under linux, or ftp.exe under windows.
In that case, all you need to do is to type
"binary" before starting the file transfer.
If you're using a web browser, you don't need to do anything,
since in most cases, the browser knows a binary file when it sees one.

On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 07:58:15AM -0400, Ann Parsons wrote:
> Hi all,
> Kirk, you mentioned two things you wanted in the FAQ.  One was about
> switching one's machine to receive binary when downloading the proper
> files.  The other was something about rawrite.  Can you please tell me
> again what that was?
> Also, can somebody give me specific info on how to switch to binary
> mode when using the web.  Do windows people have to do a certain thing
> or what.
> Thanks,
> Ann P.
> -- 
> 			Ann K. Parsons  
> email:  akp at eznet.net 			ICQ Number:  33006854
> WEB SITE:  http://home.eznet.net/~akp
> "All that is gold does not glitter.  Not all those who wander are lost."  JRRT
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