Zipspeak Site Unavailable

Buddy Brannan davros at
Thu Jul 5 17:31:04 EDT 2001

Hi Saqib,

Just a guess, but you won't get Speakup and Emacspeak into
Zipspeak. Reason being: Emacs is to freakin huge, which would make the
distro too large to fit on the target Zip disk media. However, at
least Slack 7.0 had something called "Bigslack", which was a larger
version of Zipslack, including KDE and a bunch of other stuff, all to
reside on a UMSDOS file system as Zipspeak does. Perhaps a Bigspeak
distro could accommodate both Emacspeak and Speakup? Only thing is, we
might wanna get modified Emacspeak servers such as Matt did with the
Doubletalk server that will address /dev/synth so that one synth can
be used for both programs. I suspect you could not bundle in IBM
ViaVoice for Emacspeak in this theoretical version due to licensing
restrictions on ViaVoice. So Matt, are you up for modifying speech
servers? :)
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV    | History is made by stupid people.
Email: davros at | Clever people wouldn't even try.
Phone: (972) 276-6360    | If you want a place in the history books
ICQ: 36621210            | Then do something dumb before you die.

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