Alsa 0.5.10 w/ Debian - was: Re: not working yet

Geoff Shang gshang10 at
Mon Jan 1 03:02:21 EST 2001


I have sound support built in to the kernel, so this seems not to
matter.  I would guess that if your kernel is compiling properly then the
includes must be OK.

As far as your user vs. root problem goes, remember the sound devices were
recreated with sndevices, so it's quite possible that user and group
details or permissions may have changed.  Make sure that your user account
has access to the devices.  I'd suggest making them group read/writeable
and put yourself in that group.

As for unmuting, remember you need to both unmute and set volumes for both
the master volume and one other source (e.g. pcm).  The need for this
should be pretty obvious.


Geoff Shang <gshang10 at>
ICQ number 43634701

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