thought sending output from arecord to tape drive would work, but it doesn't

Charles Hallenbeck chuckh at
Mon Feb 19 18:31:58 EST 2001

Bret -
You might be surprised at how much recording you can do directly to a disk
file, especially if you explore the possibility of reduced sampling rates
and settling for mono instead of stereo. I can easily record for an hour
at a time to a .wav file at 11025 monaural samples per second, saving the
compression for later. That works out to 22k per second, 1.3M per minute,
or 78 megs per hour. If you insist on stereo you could double those
figures, and if you insist on higher sampling rates you would increase
them accordingly. I have had a lot of trouble compressing stuff with lower
sampling rates so I stick with 11025 for routine things. You can always
compress the stuff later and then transfer the mp3 version to tape or CD
if you want.

Regards - Chuck

My web site is 
The Moon is Waning Crescent (10% of Full)

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