Speakup Reflector

Amanda Lee amanda at shellworld.net
Sun Dec 23 01:44:51 EST 2001

Okay, I did try the older dsound.dll files but noticed there's a .vxd file
so I copied the newer versions  along with the dsound.dll into the speakfre
directory and it works now but the menus aren't spoken but can get those
from the pulldown okay.  I used the 'n' option for new connection and
entered the url for speakup but don't hear anything.  I've got a firewall
here so may have to see about unblocking the ports as this is a problem
mentioned in the information on the site.

Guess I'll try this later.  Need to get some sleep here or may be talking in
stream of unconsciousness hahah!

Thanks all and to the others for the mass of chatter I generated on here.


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