speakup and 2.2.14

Christopher Moore w1gm at sdf.lonestar.org
Mon May 22 03:27:57 EDT 2000

Hi listers,
I wrote in last week about not being able to boot after compiliing 2.2.14
kernel with speakup on a slackware distribution.
Well, I'm getting the same result: a kernel loading message with a
blinking cursor.
I started over by removing the patch, applying the patch, fixing a .rej
and un-tar the newdrv file.  
The reject file is in deivers/mips/Config.in.  It wants to insert a line
above "comment Sound", but can't because the 2.2.14 Config.in file is
differs from the one for which the patch was designed.  I'll keep working
on it but am looking for any suggestions.

73, Chris w1gm at sdf.lonestar.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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