A comment on Slashdot that concerns me

cpt.kirk at 1tree.net cpt.kirk at 1tree.net
Fri Mar 24 14:41:14 EST 2000

I have been looking at the thread and nder about what planet some of the
people come from. Where did the load of crap about M$ being blind
friendly. I saw the IE4 release and they broke everything they had been
working on. It took more then 6 months for the screen readers to recover.

And they treated two people who worked their like crap. Therse people were
moved into the call queue from hell because the phone wasn't accessible.
And get this, they had a means of making it accessible. It would only have
taken changing the way the phone rings. What a load...

Kirk Wood
Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net

Your fly might be open (but don't check it just now).

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