Fw: Calling non Windows users

david poehlman david.poehlman at handsontechnologeyes.com
Wed Oct 6 07:35:26 EDT 2004

Johnnie Apple Seed

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Williams" <support at acbradio.org>
To: "announce" <announce at acbradio.org>; "ACB Radio Friends" 
<friends at acbradio.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 7:29 PM
Subject: Calling non Windows users


Talking Communities who power the Our Place live chat portal at aCB Radio
are seeking users of platforms other than Windows to beta test technology
which may make it possible for users of these platforms to access the ACB
Radio Our Place Portal.  So if you don't use Windows, and would like to
access Our Place and iVocalise, then this is for you.

Please register your interest by writing to buys at talkingcommunities.com.

Very many thanks.
ACB Radio
mailto:support at acbradio.org

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