Thank you both. The things you said helped me a lot, even what Greg > said Well, yes. Greg is a long-winded olt sod, wot? ... The Blighter! On a more serious note, links and lynx both start by specifying the URL you want to visit. Example: links If your cursor controls are working, you should be able to read each page, line by line, by cursoring up and down. If you need to, hit the plus key on the numeric keypad to re-read the screen, or Numpad 8 to re-read the line. I use lynx, preferring no menus, but it has a problem with cursor tracking in Speakup. If you keep being told to press all kinds of keys, hit Numpad * or multiply to toggle cursor tracking on and off. The vi series of text editors also have cursor tracking problems, and you'll keep hearing your cursor position numbers as you try to type. Back to lynx: You will not be told when you're on a link or not, but you may hear the web URL being spoken To execute a link, simply cursor to the right. Similarly, cursor to the left to return to the previous page. the 'd' key should download the highlighted link. You can also use the spacebar to page down through the web page. Insert-period on the numeric keypad is another useful key to know, as you will be told the foreground and background colors. the lynx.cfg file (uswas in /etc in Debian) can be viewed to see which colors are used for links and edit boxes, headers, etc. You can also cycle through links on the page with the Tab key. Q will quit the program. If you press Shift+Q, the program will exit without axing (a little ghetto lingo). BTW: colorized file listings are helpful, too. In Debian, directories were printed in blue, and executable programs were in green. Learn to use what's avbailable with SpeakUp first, and things will suddenly be alot easier. I think your problem is that cursor tracking is toggled on. HTH, Michael