Another speakup cut and paste bug and park

Kirk Reiser kirk at
Sat Oct 31 21:02:27 EDT 2020

Hello Samuel et al: I noticed a couple of new speakup bugs which is
really weird because they were never there before. If you have the
park function and cut and paste it selects the wrong text. In fact the
text it pastes isn't even on the screen but the "mark text" spoken and
an address of some sort. This should be easily reproduced.

The other bug is when you untoggled the park function it sync's back
up with the screen cursor instead of staying where it was
parked. There's another bug that's been there for a long time now but
I don't know when it was introduced which is when one moves from
console to console the reading cursor stays where it was most of the
time instead of being sync'd to the screen cursor upon accessing the
console. It's only slightly iritating so I never mentioned it but
since I seem to be in a bitching mood lately figured I'd say

It's: Speakup version 3.1.6


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