So, where'd the volume controls get to?

Kirk Reiser kirk at
Sat Oct 10 14:56:38 EDT 2020

Well, I doubt if it matters exactly what hardware I'm running speakup
on but the two machines I've upgraded are both amd64 machines.

The volume controls have always been on speakup- one and two but now
they report inflection instead. Like I said I've not found the volume
controls moved any place else.

The espeakup problems are as I've pointed out many times before. The
voice doesn't flush quickly enough to be able to move up and down with
either the review keys or arrow keys so it generates a jumbling of
voices which is completely unusable when moving quickly. I'm not
exactly sure how to describe it but the problem shows up on all
machines I've tested with espeakup since espeak-ng. It is very easy to
produce just review up and down quickly with espeakup. I don't know
how speech-dispatcher works when using speechd-up and the espeak
voice. Someone with that would have to speak to that.

So, if you didn't move the controls who did? Curious minds and all


On Sat, 10 Oct 2020, Samuel Thibault wrote:

> Hello,
> Kirk Reiser, le ven. 09 oct. 2020 11:19:01 -0400, a ecrit:
>> Hello Samuel et al: The latest version of speakup appears to have
>> replaced the volume controls with inflection controls.
> ?? I'm not aware of this. Inflection was added in the /sys parameters,
> but only to be configured manual by echoing there. What hardware are you
> using?
>> IMO espeakup is still entirely brain dead so a lot of us still have to
>> use very old versions from back before espeak-en to get decent
>> performence. It's just an observation.
> "Performance"? What do you mean?
> Again, I'm not an actual user of speakup, so people have to explain what
> they mean in details otherwise I won't be able to grasp what problem
> there actually is.
> Samuel
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