Problems with espeakup and CFDisk
Didier Spaier
didier at
Fri Aug 7 16:50:03 EDT 2020
Hello Criss,
answer in line
Le 07/08/2020 à 21:57, Criss a écrit :
> Is posible use espeakup and CFDisk correctly?. When I run CFDisk from shellI can select table partition type, create and delete partitions, but when i try choose a partition type, espeakup read nambers (I don't know what are). Espeakup must talk: linux swap, wefi etc. If I use numbers key to navegatión, Espeak read the type partitions, but when I navegate with arrows key, appear the numbers.
These numbers are the partition types UUID, displayed in recent versions of
cfdisk. I don't know why espeakup reads this UUID but not the type.
Maybe fdisk is easier to use.
If by chance your partition is a gpt, do use instead, either:
cgdisk -a <device>
gdisk <device>
Then when setting or changing the type you can display the whole list of types
(names of types and associated short numbers) but also type the first characters
of the type name (like EFI), press tab and get a list of all matching type names
to choose from, which is very handy.
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