speakup and garbled text

Chris Brannon chris at the-brannons.com
Sat Mar 16 06:35:12 EDT 2019

deedra Waters <deedra at the-brannons.com> writes:

> Essentially this bug is easy to reproduce. just read a large chunk of
> text. from everything i've seen that alone will do it as to how often
> it does it i've not really counted because it for me at least happens 
> quite often to the point where i find speakup irritating to use

I have an observation and a question.  The observation: I have only
noticed this behavior when Speakup auto-speaks text, never in review

The question: has anyone who uses a hardware synth noticed the garbled
text problem?  Everyone I know who has complained of it uses a software
synth.  But given my observation above, I don't believe it's a problem
with the softsynth driver or the synthesizer.

-- Chris

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