Slint update with new scripts to handle speakup and console screen readers

Didier Spaier didier at
Mon Jun 10 17:31:37 EDT 2019


quoting the ChangeLog at:

This batch of updates provides a new version of daisy-player, emacspeak
and new scripts: speak-with, speakup-save and speakup-restore, with
associated modifications of daemon managers rc.espeakup and
rc.speechd-up and of switch-on and switch-off. The document SlintSpeaks
has been added to the Slint documentation in the Accessibility sub-menu
of the 'slint-doc' command.

Or, just follow this link:

To update you system, as usual type as root:
slapt-get  -u
slapt-get --upgrade

This will also bring an update of Chromium provided by Eric Hameleers
if you have his package installed (the sbrepos SOURCE being enabled in
/etc/slapt-get/slaptgetrc), cf.:

Have fun!


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