Debian Buster installer and speech issues

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Wed Apr 24 06:09:08 EDT 2019

An idea, for anyone trying an install with mini.iso.  While in the
installer execute a shell near the beginning of install and examine the
contents of /etc/asound.conf then repeat the execute a shell near the
end of the install and repeat the examination of /etc/asound.conf.  I'll
need to run mini.iso again and do both examinations but when running the
examination once I noticed a couple lines with something like slave card
=0 on them.  I would have expected slave card=2 since card 2 is where I
have my speakers and card 0 is where I have my headset.  It will be
interesting to see if that changes on second examination here.

On Wed, 24 Apr 2019, Samuel Thibault wrote:

> Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2019 04:35:46
> From: Samuel Thibault <sthibault at>
> Reply-To: Speakup is a screen review system for Linux.
>     <speakup at>
> To: Didier Spaier <didier at>
> Cc: debian-accessibility at, speakup at
> Subject: Re: Debian Buster installer and speech issues
> Didier Spaier, le mer. 24 avril 2019 12:20:08 +0200, a ecrit:
> > On 23/04/2019 23:40, Didier Spaier wrote:
> > > On bare metal, no luck: the installer could not detect
> > > my sound card, so no  speech in the installer.
> > >
> > > It made 9 unsuccessful attempts, told it would tried
> > > other cards, seemed to gave up.
> What do you mean by "told it would tried other cards"? What _exactly_
> did it write? Otherwise I'm not sure what exactly you refer to, that's
> how a way for me to be able to debug anything.
> > > I have only one sound card.
> > >
> > > That's weird as I have no issue with Slint's installer,
> > > also using espeakup.
> >
> > My assumption is that' there is an issue with S38espeakup.
> >
> > If I understand well, you modified it to wait that
> > /sys/class/sound/card*/id be populated.
> Yes, because as commented there it seems that the Buster audio drivers
> take _ages_ to initialize...
> > I thought, maybe there's an issue with this modification.
> Possibly, but I need precise information to be able to guess what is
> going wrong. Please really post what is asked on
> from *within the installer* because that is what the script uses. The
> alsa-info output from an installed system can be useful, but much less
> than the precise information of what is _actually_ happening.
> > PS FYI I attach the script used for card detection in the
> > current Slint installer. Obviously it is a modification of
> > S38espeakup (but a former version).
> And it'll just fail the same way as Buster in case Slint happens to meet
> the same driver initialization time.
> Samuel
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