One more questions about modules.

Gregory Nowak greg at
Thu Apr 18 18:46:18 EDT 2019

On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 11:53:57PM +0200, Didier Spaier wrote:
> # We want to handle synthesizers the same way regardless whether the
> # speakup drivers are built-in the kernel or shipped as modules. So,
> # parse the command line and if speakup.synth=<model> is found, try to
> # load the corresponding module 
> speakup_driver=$(grep 'speakup.synth=' /proc/cmdline| \
> sed 's;.* speakup.synth=\([[:alpha:]]*\).*;\1;')
> if [ ! "$speakup_driver" = "" ]; then
> 	modprobe speakup_$speakup_driver start=1 2>/dev/null
> fi

Keep in mind this will start the synthesizer on the default
/dev/ttyS0. Since someone may want to use a different port, you might
want to extend the above to allow for using a different port. I don't
have the latest speakup on this machine, but from memory, this might
look something like:

modprobe speakup_bns dev=ttyUsb1 start=1

If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me.

> As an aside, shouldn't spkguide.txt be updated? As an example it stills
> states:
> Note: Speakup does * NOT * support usb connections!
> Before someone ask: I am willing  to help updating it, but am unable to
> list all the changes that occurred.

I think the changes that took place are:

1. Speakup can now use ports other than ttyS0-ttyS3 to drive a
   hardware synthesizer. This includes PCI serial cards, as well as
   USB to serial converters (I.E. ttyUSB0). The port designation
   changed from ser= to dev= E.G. dev=ttyUSB0.

2. Older internal ISA cards like the doubletalk PC (dtlk) are not
   supported as of now.

That's all I can think of. I know speakup changes are scattered
throughout the kernel changelog, but is there a speakup specific
changelog somewhere.


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