DecTalk External (decext) testers wanted!

Gregory Nowak greg at
Sat Apr 22 23:52:31 EDT 2017

On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 08:38:28AM +0100, Okash Khawaja wrote:
> So the code doesn't yet allow the user to specify ttyUSB yet but you can
> test ttyUSB by making following change in the speakup code:

Thanks. Will play with this, and report back.

> Was it working before? These changes don't migrate PC synths: acsntpc,
> decpc, keypc and dtlk.

Oh, ok. I was under the impression that all synths, not just the
serial ones, were being migrated. To answer your question, the last
kernel that the speakup_dtlk module works for me on is 3.2.0 from
debian wheezy. Under the 3.16.0 kernel in debian/devuan jessie,
modprobe speakup_dtlk locks up my system.

Thanks to Okash and Samuel for your work. It's much appreciated.


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