WARNING: Latest Linphone on Arch breaks device access

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Wed Sep 7 13:31:28 EDT 2016

It was a great suggestion, Chris. Unfortunately, it seems there's yet
another bug in how alsa handles usb devices.

I have 2 usb devices. No matter how I specify things, the card that gets
invoked is the first of those two.

Now, if I were really clever, I suppose I'd know how to write udev rules
to insure that the Sennheiser gets a lower card ID than the C-Media
device. This really should be an exact science, but my experience says
it's anything but.



Chris Brannon writes:
> Janina Sajka <janina at rednote.net> writes:
> > Hi, All:
> >
> > If you use Linphone on Arch, beware. The latest release built 31 August
> > introduced what for me is a showstopper bug. I'm referring to
> > Linphone-3.10.2-1.
> Hi Janina,
> I think I might have a solution for you.
> The only reason this will work is that you are using the headset for all
> three functions: ringer, playback, and capture.  If you needed something
> fancier, this falls flat.
> You can set a specific default card for a given application using the
> ALSA_CARD environment variable.
> For instance,
> ALSA_CARD=Headset espeak 'Hello there.'
> should cause espeak to speak the string through your headset.
> So try setting ALSA_CARD when starting linphone.
> Now there's another problem in that Linphone seems to want to use
> pulseaudio for the default sound output.  Can't help you with that one.
> Maybe the config file would at least let you specify alsa rather than
> pulse?
> -- Chris
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Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.443.300.2200
			sip:janina at asterisk.rednote.net
		Email:	janina at rednote.net

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