Starting Speakup on a Debian Virtual Machine

jeremy icu8it2 at
Wed Nov 9 03:14:38 EST 2016

Now that I'm reading back through the archives, I do see where he said 
that sound was working, however, it still isn't clear on exactly what 
sound that may be. I'm fairly certain that he'd specify if it were a pc 
speaker type sound, something that would play, even without the vm ever 
booting, just as it did on mine, but if it's any other type of sound, 
then that's more than what I had on mine and I'm incorrect.

I'd of guessed that if he were able to somehow access the machine 
through other means, SSH or whatever and get it to play a sound, he'd of 
also posted any errors he came across with speakup and it's parts. 
Without knowing for sure that he's actually able to fully boot it and 
reach a console, it's hard to say.

Depending on how the vm is configured, I'd probably think it worth while 
to see if the installation can get an address through DHCP on the 
router, but unless he has some way to verify how far he's making it 
after he powers on the vm, I don't know. That's about the time I'd be 
asking someone to read the screen to me to get an error so I could post 
it here on this wonderful list. :)
Take care.
Gregory Nowak wrote:
> The OP was asked earlier in the thread if sounds besides espeak could
> be played/heard, and the answer was yes. So, I for one assumed until
> this point that whatever the issue is, it isn't an install that
> doesn't boot.
> Greg
> On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 01:21:18PM -0600, jeremy wrote:
>> Nah, I'd just used the shortcut key to power on the vm and then the
>> shortcut to send input over to it. As far as any output, it was all
>> being sent to the vm's display. Either way, from the very little I
>> could see on the vm's window, it was pretty obvious that Linux was
>> never actually booting. After I'd power it on, it would take me to
>> something that looked like a grub menu and then right afterwards,
>> have a tiny bit of text in the top left corner that would never
>> change. Typically, on any other Linux installation inside VMWare,
>> once the grub menu displays and you make a selection, you'd see a
>> great deal of text scroll on the display. This scrolling would
>> normally take at least a few seconds and then either stop or clear
>> out when it reaches the end, leaving you with the login area where
>> you enter your username and password.
>> I'd also tried to do the same installation outside of VMWare player
>> and everything worked as I'd expect it to, so I figured it was
>> something caused by VMWare itself.
>> I figured it was worth mentioning here in this thread, as if it is
>> the same problem, Debian failing to boot, it would certainly explain
>> why there's no speech. :)
>> Take care.

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