missing libspeech.h when trying to compile speechd-up

covici at ccs.covici.com covici at ccs.covici.com
Mon May 30 23:58:12 EDT 2016

Well, upon investigating there is a libspeechd.h and maybe I just didn't
hear the d -- I have had lots of errors like this lately!  I will check
the source for my speechd-up and see what it was really trying to look
Sure enough, there is a d, although espeak  and even my hardware synth
didn't pronounce it at all.  It was indeed moved, so I will fix the

Thanks and sorry for the noise.

Chris Brannon <chris at the-brannons.com> wrote:

> covici at ccs.covici.com writes:
> > I have no libspeech.h anywhere at all, this is the problem.  I saw a
> > message while googling to downgrade speech dispatcher to 0.7.1 to get it
> > back.
> I think they may have moved the file to
> /usr/include/speech-dispatcher/libspeechd.h.
> If that's not the problem, then where did you get this package?  Was it
> a distro package?  If so, what distro?
> -- Chris

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici
         covici at ccs.covici.com

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