binger updates

Hart Larry chime at
Tue Aug 9 19:04:12 EDT 2016

Thank you David, I have been becoming a bit more comfortable with Binger. Some 
comments, I notice the version number still says 1.6? The help ends rather 
mysteriously, maybe something like "end of help, press left-arrow to return to 
an index" would be better. I asked last week about ajusting threading, E.G. how 
many chars makeup a thread in a subject? Many times I see the same binary 
continue over multiple pages, but I seem to have no way of grabbing without 
typing a capital D on each subject, or useing background, which only seems to 
work every other line. First says "1 article qued" 2nd says "0 articles qued" 
Actually a suggestion would be to read a current total of how many are in q as 
added, so it might say "7 articles now qued"
I went in the help file and tried replacing
with capital
Well, while its replaced in the file, still says (uppercase" when I am in help.
And lastly, can you please inform, I somehow accidently nuked some .rar files in 
an index of alt.binaries.documentaries.  There is a series about Disco at the 
BBC  I am subscribed, but there are no new articles. As I remember there was 
some complicated way with a greater-than sign. Thanks so much for your 
continuing work-and-improvements, maybe some time an update function like 
youtube-dl has.

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