Looking for accessible web host and domain registration

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Mon May 11 14:42:50 EDT 2015

Hi again,
Not sure when you officially left, the shell upgrade for ubintu is well 
reasonably recent, but their edition of lynx is older than say the one from 
a couple of months back we have at shellworld.
I am really picky about that control panel, so indeed use lynx, or more 
often than not links which has a tad of scripting support.
It does work for me though, or at least for the features I need.
Now they might have insured my account worked, Dreamhost provides hosting 
to nonprofit organizations.  that is  the domain   or the domains they 
host for me.  I told them up front that not providing a w3c compliant door 
with low graphics options was against the law and so they fixed the door 
for me.
I do agree  about  too much stuff on the buffet so to speak smiles.  but 
it works  in lynx for me.  still my editions of lynx tend to be more 
current than the ones in distributions, and I use it too here at 
As for their hosting, yes they do that as well as serving as a regular isp.
they host my personal site, along with my having a regular shellworld 
Speaking only for myself, its worth the $10 or $15 or so for the hosting 
with all the updated open source tools I have and the unlimited space i 
But that is just me smiles.
Glad the information is helpful,

On Sun, 10 May 2015, Tony Baechler wrote:

> Hi,
> Ah, that's most interesting.  How did you ever manage to use the DreamHost
> panel?  It requires Javascript and isn't that easy to use even with
> Firefox.  I know because I just left them.  Every month they were adding
> something new and I felt they lost track of just plain old web hosting.  I
> don't really care about their cloud services.  I did like the shell
> account, but the version of Ubuntu was rather old.  I didn't like their
> VPS because it was limited in what you could actually do with it.  They
> wouldn't let me upgrade Apache, the kernel, etc because they said it would
> break the VPS which was stuck on Debian Lenny at the time, long after Etch
> had been released.  Granted, I didn't try their panel with Lynx, but I
> can't imagine it would work without Javascript.  I've never heard of the
> domain registrar before, so I'll go take a look.  Thanks very much for the
> information.  I knew about Shellworld, but they are more of a shell
> account provider and not really a web host from what I gathered.  Besides,
> they're a bit expensive if I recall correctly.  This information has been
> most helpful and interesting.
> On 5/10/2015 10:38 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> Hi Tony, speaking only for myself,  the answer is yes. I do not host my
>> domains and register them with the same service.  still all of the ones
>> I use   work well with lynx, and in the hosting cases all of them
>> provide shell based structures that include  updated editions of lynx,
>> and links.  Plus in one case text compiled editions of elinks. my
>> domains are all registered with arvixe. www.arvixe.com rates are fine,
>> and I can just call to renew, toll free,  updating information with
>> lynx  or links as required. One of my sites is hosted at shellworld.
>> www.shellworld.net Admin at shellworld.net Combines the best of both
>> freebds and Linux  with lynx updated on a regular basis, and allot of
>> other tools compiled  differently. As an alternative  three of my
>> domains are hosted here. www.dreamhost.com Their shell is based in
>> ubintu, so does not include elinks.  still I can keep all of my hosting
>> information up to date, use the control panel for say creating
>> mailboxes and the like all with lynx, links in some cases. Dreamhost
>> also provides a *ton* of tools  I have not even tried yet for sites
>> hosted with them. if you have questions ask away. Hope these ideas
>> help, Karen
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