gnome desktop and weezy, speech breaking

Cleverson Casarin Uliana clcaul at
Wed Nov 13 11:56:24 EST 2013


I don't know about Debian, but you may find useful to know that in
ArchLinux, it doesn't break, because pulseaudio doesn't start along
with the system on boot; it only starts when I call startx at the
console. Even then, I'm still able to use speakup whenever I switch
from gnome to a pure console with control-alt-f2. Perhaps it causes
some problem if you decide to start gdm on boot. One thing is that
when I start both pulseaudio and speech-dispatcher at a pure console,
then yes, espeakup gets muted.


2013/11/13, Rob Hudson <captinlogic at>:
> I have been seeing messages about pulse audio breaking speech in the console
> once you install gnome. I started using the voxin speakup connector this
> week. Will my speech still break if I install gnome? And what is  generally
> the best method for fixing it if it does?
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