6-dot input system for command line linux

Gregory Nowak greg at gregn.net
Sat Dec 14 22:09:10 EST 2013

Hmmm, could one install brltty and use this for braille input on a
qwerty even if one has no braille display, or does brltty insist on a
braille display being attached?


On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 07:05:22PM -0500, Brandon McGinty-Carroll wrote:
> I haven't tested this, but here's what I've found (first response via google).
> Appologies if this is completely wrong.
> A copy of the text is below.
> http://mielke.cc/pipermail/brltty/2010-January/006474.html
> """
> [BRLTTY] Braille input with the usual keyboard within Linux
> ...
> It should work with latest svn revision, if your keyboard has smart
> enough hardware to allow for simultaneous presses of up to 6 (or 8) keys.
> Select the kbd-keypad.ktb keytable file with the -k option, you
> should be able to switch braille input on with Insert+Asterisk and
> off with Insert+Slash (on the keypad of your keyboard).
> """
> Brandon McGinty-Carroll

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