silencing speakup with echo

pj at pj at
Fri Jun 3 19:00:02 EDT 2011

Chuck Hallenbeck wrote:
>   echo 7 > /sys/accessibility/speakup/silent
> The speakup user guide names that variable, but contains no
> other information about it. What other values besides 7 can
> I echo to that variable, and what will they do?

I know that
  echo 4 > /sys/accessibility/speakup/silent
restores speech.

5 also seems to turn it off, and 6 also seems to restore it.
I think I found a clue once about what those other bits do,
but I can't find it now ...

Peter Billam       pj at      (03) 6278 9410
"Was der Meister nicht kann,   vermöcht es der Knabe, hätt er
 ihm immer gehorcht?"   Siegfried to Mime, from Act 1 Scene 2

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