Crappy-strange operations in the AMD64 realm...

Gaijin gaijin at
Mon Sep 13 03:15:09 EDT 2010

	Hello all,

	Just installed Debian's Squeeze amd64 image and things are 
really weird.  While typing, characters will sometimes be spoken and 
sometimes not, sometimes words will be spoken and sometimes not.  Here 
in nano, it's working fine, but while in mutt, it said "ject" instead of 
"Subject" while writing this email, for instance.  It's most often 
noticeable while chatting in irssi for me, while everything else is 
spoken just fine, with only a very rare mangled word, but typing is 
another story entirely, where every few characters are not spoken, 2 to 
6 characters at a time.  It seems completely random, but appears to be 
plagueing the bottom keyboard rows the most.  Resetting with PrintScreen 
seems to help for only a few seconds, and not running a 'speakupconf 
load' doesn't work either.  Anyone have a clue about this?


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