ot: on line banking?

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Fri Jul 16 18:54:20 EDT 2010

What I would very much appreciate is some firm written documentation that 
this is the case.
I agree about not bending over, I have no intention of doing this. However 
the written proof would help very very much.

On Thu, 15 Jul 2010, Gaijin wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 10:02:33PM -0400, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> My bank *requires* the use of jfw or window eyes only.
> 	So sue them in court for denying you equal access.  What they're
> doing is illegal, likely because their web technicians are only
> moderately educated.  Then after you sue them, change banks.
> 	It's not like they can afford to lose customers in this economy.
> If enough people actually fought back rather than bending over and
> taking it up the wahzoo by everyone else, this actually might become a
> fairly comfortable world for John Q. Public.
> 				Nichael
> 	PS: edbrowse will still say that it's Firefox, and it runs
> Mozilla's Seamonkey java libraries, so should work.  Took me two days to
> get really comfortable with it, and now it's my favorite web browser.
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