rfc: speakup's character and punctuation processing

Chris Brannon cmbrannon79 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 18:54:28 EDT 2010

William Hubbs wrote:
> The issue is that a user can control both the synthesizer punctuation
> and the speakup punctuation levels and they are not related to each
> other at all.  IMHO this is confusing, and we should just have the synth
> handle punctuation.

Yeah, it is confusing, and I more-or-less agree with you here.
In the case of software synthesizers, we should just drop the character
processing.  Punt the problem to the synth.
And let Speakup's punctuation-setting commands control the synthesizer's
punctuation level.
I'm not sure about hardware.

There's one character that we still need to pronounce: the space.  If
you use direct mode, you'll notice that space is never spoken!
I wonder whether most folks consider this annoying?

-- Chris

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