trouble installing linux

Cleverson clever92000 at
Fri Apr 9 09:42:59 EDT 2010


I suggest you to try VirtualBox in case you don't solve your problem in VMWare. For me it has set up the network automatically, out of the box after installing on Windows, and all of distros I tried until now download stuff fine.


Arthur Pirika <arfy at> wrote:

> hi, I have a strange problem, and
> wondering if anyone here has any ideas. I want to play with
> linux, but would like to try it in a vm under windows, to
> try things out. I have two distros here, arch, and grml. I'm
> using windows xp pro sp3, and vmWare player 3.01.
> Arch loads perfectly fine, speakup comes up, but lately,
> arch is seeming to have trouble retrieving packages.
> Protocol and/or timeout errors are the norm here. Even
> selecting different mirrors doesn't help.
> Grml just refuses to speak, but it does seem to load. as
> far as i know, I'm giving the boot loader grml swspeakup as
> it's options. Maybe i need to try a different vm?
> btw, this is grml 2009.10.
> tia,
> Arthur.
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