looking for: ssh hosting

Tyler Littlefield tyler at tysdomain.com
Sun Mar 8 15:07:14 EDT 2009

Hello list,
I've got a quick question.
I'm working on a code base, and hope to be able to contribute to it,as it's a base I find very flexable and versatile.
This base is all c/python, but a lot of my contributions are in c, as I feel more comfortable with it.
I was wondering, if anyone has a server or knows of someone who hosts for cheap that I could get access from?
I don't want any more than 50-100 mb, 1-two ports and I'm set.
The systems I have here are both penteum 3 processors, and take a bit when I make clean, make all, and I do this quite frequently.
Mainly because I like to make sure that my code ties in with the code of the server, and that it runs ok before I code more, but I'm also like a little kid. Once I make something new, I have to play with it for a while. :)

Tyler Littlefield
Web: tysdomain.com
email: tyler at tysdomain.com
My programs don't have bugs, they're called randomly added features.

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