Why should I use espeakup

Hermann meinelisten at onlinehome.de
Wed Jun 17 16:37:34 EDT 2009

Am 17.06.2009 20:41, schrieb John G. Heim:
> Is speechd-up still in active development?
The latest is 0.4, but I think it's more than one year old.
GRML, for example, still comes with 0.3; don't know why.
So Espeakup is more actual. However: We shouldn't drop Speechd-up, 
because via Speech-dispatcher there comes support for a variety of synths.
An alternative could be to develope drivers for every synth, like 
Espeakup for Espeak. But I think this is wishful thinking, since this 
would require a lot of men power.

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