Installing Fedora 9 Via Telnet

Earle e.zwicker at
Tue May 27 09:31:16 EDT 2008

I just downloaded the boot/rescue disk iso file from the web site.  I was planning to install using telnet, but I can't 
get this option to work.  Now that the boot and rescue disk is combined, have any of the steps for installing changed? 
I noticed in the instructions it says after the cd boots hit down arrow, tab and space, then type the telnet command.  I 
tried that, but I couldn't get it to work.  I even tried hitting up arrow tab and space then the telnet command, but 
again, I couldn't get it to work.  Is there a change I need to know about, or am I just entering some wrong information? 
I'm sure I'm using the right IP, netmask, and gateway information, as I obtained it from ipconfig in windows xp pro. 
Any help would be appreciated.



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