Status of Software speech for installation?

Zachary Kline klinez at
Sat May 17 14:35:14 EDT 2008

    I have become interested in getting myself an actual Linux partition on 
a hard drive once again as compared with virtual machines, and so was 
wondering what the status of software speech for installations was.
    I remember reading on this list that Fedora 9 could be installed with 
software speech, and that you need to look on the DVD for information on how 
to do this.  The howtos on the site say you can't do 
this, but they're not yet up to date with FC9's installation.  I was just 
curious if this is true?
    I guess I could install Ubuntu on this machine as well, but that doesn't 
natively include Speakup and I'm not sure of the extent to which they've 
patched their kernels, etc.  Besides, I haven't played with Fedora before so 
it interests me.
Any information would be appreciated.

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