Shane's kernels

Daniel Dalton d.dalton at
Thu Jul 17 06:38:48 EDT 2008

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 02:41:58AM -0700, Tony Baechler wrote:

> I'm sorry, I didn't know about that and I didn't see it announced on  
> debian-accessibility.  Still, I think that's modules, not an actual  
> kernel image with the Speakup core built-in.  I will look before saying  

Its modules, but you don't need to build a kernel yourself, use m-a, so
yeah, to get messages from boot up to power off you will probably need
to install a custom kernel.
But a great start.

>>> One thing Daniel didn't mention is that the Lenny installer should
>>> have accessible images with Braille and Speakup support, which Etch
>>> will never officially have.
>> ?!?!
>> Etch _does_ have braille already.
> Again, I'm sorry.  I don't use Braille and I thought Braille was somehow  
> dropped for Etch.  Maybe I was confused with Sarge which had Speakup  
> support.  I read the Etch release notes and don't remember seeing a  

All installers I have used: etch and lenny both had braille.
Sorry, for not making that clear.

>> As for Lenny, I've put a preview mini-ISO of what the installer will be
>> on
> Thank you!  This would be very good to have.  I intend to download it  
> and use it the next time I do an install.

I should check it out too.

> anyway.  With that said, I have an idea which I'm thinking about but it  
> would have more to do with Speakup itself than Debian.

Erm, this is the speakup list, so what is it?

> complaining and I was responding to him and Daniel.  I'm personally very  
> happy with Debian, more than any other Linux distro.  I would like to  

I personally believe debian is the most accessible distro and it is my
favourite, so I'm not complaining, but happy to improve it even more!


Daniel Dalton
<d.dalton at>

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