ttsynth configuration
Scott Ford at
Sun Jan 20 20:19:29 EST 2008
I am running speakupmodified FC8 x64 on my notbook. I am running
speakupmodified on my desktop FC8 i386. I am mainly using ttsynth for my
notebook. I had just put it on the desktop to try to get the spkconnect to
work. Both systems have been yum updated. I have attached the output from
the make that I did for spk_connect. I realize that speakup is for terminal
mode. I believe that I have followed the instructions properly. This
output is from my x64 notebook.
Thank you
-----Original Message-----
From: speakup-bounces at [mailto:speakup-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Janina Sajka
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:24 PM
To: Speakup is a screen review system for Linux.
Subject: Re: ttsynth configuration
You don't run Speakup in terminal mode, but rather from a text console
which has its own login.
You should compile the ttsynth connector for use with Speakup. Source
file and instructions are on the page.
Whether you modprobe for speakup_sftsyn, or do 'echo sftsyn
>/proc/speakup/synth_name' depends on what kernel you're using and how
>it was compiled. You don't say, so I can't tell further.
Scott Ford writes:
> Hello everyone,
> I received the ttsynth for Christmas. I have been able to get it to
> work on my 32bit machine, and 64 bit machine, running under gnome. I
> seem to get it to work on either machine under speakup in terminal mode.
> cannot get spk-connect to compile under x64, I had a friend look at it and
> was able to get it to use the audio lib; however I guess it puked on one
> the ibm lib's. There was also a memory issue, stating that it was not
> valid. When I ran it on my I386 box I was able to get it to compile;
> however it also gave me a invalide memory value of some kind. I do get a
> binary that I can execute. I do not know how to tell if it is actually
> running though. I suspect that it is not running because when I issue the
> modprobe speakup_sftsyn command. I receive a fatal module speakup_sftsyn
> not found. I have been reading and trying to figure this out. I am not
> doing so good. Does any one know what I am doing wrong? Thanks for any
> help.
> Scott
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Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.202.595.7777; sip:janina at
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC http://CapitalAccessibility.Com
Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com
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