4dos was automating bookshare

W. Nick Dotson nickdotson at bellsouth.net
Tue Feb 26 11:43:12 EST 2008

You can run the Transport in Accent mode, and use it with any screen reader that supports that.  Also, if it was a 615, then, there should've been Business 
Vision with it.


On Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:28:40 -0500, Alex Snow wrote:

Out of all the dos screenreaders available, is there any that work with 
the artic transport? I remember looking at this a while ago and not 
finding one...I recently dug up a 486dx2 and wanted to throw ms-dos 6.22 
on it, but the only synth I have is a transport...The last time I used 
dos I still had a bns, which was supported by jaws.

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