4DOS (was: Re: Automating Bookshare)

Gaijin gaijin at clearwire.net
Sun Feb 24 15:54:42 EST 2008

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 10:50:08AM -0500, Alex Snow wrote:
> I think the last version of jfw was 2.0...I remember that coming on my 
> jaws 3.3 disk, along with a readme telling you that authorization for 
> the 2.0 version was free for current customers, and to call HJ for a 
> disk, but when I called them at the time they had absolutely no idea 
> what I was talking about, which was nothing new.

	<laughs>  Great.  Now all I need to find is Win 3.11 on EBay
somewhere and hope the floppies still work after all these years (and
hope they're not on 5.25 inch disks). <grins>  I have a friend who
thinks I'm crazy just for using Linux.  If I told him I'd gone back to
Win 3.11, I think he'd have me committed, especially if I said I was
running 50 copies of Windows3.11  under DesqView.   Thanks for all the
URLs guys.  I didn't think any of this stuff was still around.


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