configuring espeak 1.19

Tomas Cerha cerha at
Mon Jan 29 11:15:18 EST 2007

Chuck Hallenbeck napsal(a):
> I want to use the new en-r voice selection. Using speak from the command 
> line like this, works fine:
> speak -v en-r "sample of speech goes here"
> but when I add the -v switch to the espeak-module.conf file in the 
> speech-dispatcher modules directory, it is ignored.

Hi Chuck,

you need to tune the voice mapping in your
/etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak-generic.conf.  This is done by the
AddVoice directive.  There is a bunch of such directives in the default
configuration file, so you may just turn the first of them from:

AddVoice        "en"    "male1"		"en"


AddVoice        "en"    "male1"		"en-r"

for more details.

Your GenericExecuteSynth should look like:
"echo \"$DATA\" | espeak -w /tmp/espeak.wav -v $VOICE -s $RATE -a
$VOLUME -p $PITCH --stdin && aplay /tmp/espeak.wav"

Best regards, Tomas.

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