Audio PDA with Speech Synth Pkans
Doug Sutherland
doug at
Wed Feb 7 15:01:24 EST 2007
Thanks, here are samples of the rcsys rc8660,
description of each demo first followed by the
wav file. I have found that with tweaks using
commands I get this sounding very good.
"Print and forget" text-to-speech conversion.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and
the earth. And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
Using an exception dictionary, you can trigger the
playback of a recorded message or sound, generate
tones, or synthesize any message based on the rules
you specify.
"What the **** do you think you're doing?" (profanity filter)
"$GPGGA,123456,3095.2007,N,09527.0923,W" (GPS receiver output)
Common abbreviations and acronyms handled
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Gump
1122 St. John St.
Ft. Knox, KY 40121
"The recipe calls for 12 oz of tomato paste, 3 g
of salt, and 2 lbs of sugar."
"The co. had net income of $247M and earnings
per share of $1.07 in fiscal year 2002. Revenues
rose 9.1% to $1.2B."
Demonstration of the sinusoidal tone generators
and the wide dynamic range of the TTS synthesizer.
Demonstration of the touch-tone dialer, sinusoidal
tone generators, and recording memory. The example
shows how words and phrases that have been recorded
on-chip can be played back to form complete sentences.
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