Fedora 8 --import problem

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Tue Dec 11 12:30:55 EST 2007

Oops, this was my mistake. Very sorry. It's fixed now.


PS: It's a symbolic link that wasn't pointing to the correct file
location any longer.

Albert E. Sten-Clanton writes:
> Greetings!
> I've just reinstalled Fedora 8 from the DVD image dated 4 December.  I tried using
> rpm -iv http://speakupmodified.org/speakupmodified-release.rpm
> and got the following message:
> error: skipping 
> rpm -iv http://speakupmodified.org/speakupmodified-release.rpm - transfer failed - Unknown or unexpected error
> (The lines are different here.)
> I looked repeatedly at the howto, and don't think this is one of my typing screw-ups.  What am I missing, though?
> Thanks!
> Al
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Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.202.595.7777;	sip:janina at a11y.org
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
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Chair, Open Accessibility	janina at a11y.org	
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