telnet install of speakupified warewolf

Janina Sajka janina at
Thu Dec 6 10:28:34 EST 2007

Don Raikes writes:
> My question is:
> if I enter:
> text telnet ksdevice=00:11:11:b2:ed:cc
> at the boot prompt of the dvd, how do I connect to it from my windows box?

No, the mac address only insures that the installer uses the correct
ethernet device.

You must telnet to an ip address, of course. The command you give
assumes that an address will be provided via some dhcp server on your
network. If you don't know how to discover what addresses your dhcp
server is assigning, you should probably simply assign an appropriate
static address, netmask, and gateway as shown in our telnet mini-howto.

On Linux you could:

tail /var/log/messages |grep dhcp

namp -sP [yournetwork]/[your.netmask] e.g.

nmap -sP


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