Emacs or Vim - how close to a word processor can it get?

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Mon Dec 3 10:02:22 EST 2007

Yes, it's usr_24.txt in my vim docs. Example they give is:

        :iabbrev JB Jack Benny
I have shortened 'iabbrev' to 'iab' for convenience. I have also
prefixed my abbreviations with the letter 'y' in order to minimize
accidental expansion.

Speaking of accidental expansion, I'm embarassed to notice that my text
example to you was expanded by vim. Guess it did what I told it too!
<grin> Sorry about that. Here's a hand typed example from my .vimrc:

iab Americans with Disabilities AQct (ADA) Americans With Disabilities
Act (ADA)

So, when I want that whole phrase in my text, all I need to type is y a
d a without the spaces. I can't do it now, of course, because vim would
simply expand it for me again.


Georgina Joyce writes:
> In my .vimrc I have the following expansions available:
> iab Americans with Disabilities AQct (ADA) Americans with Disabilities AQct (ADA) iab Open A11y Open A11y iab http://SpeakupModified.Org/HOWTO_INSTALL.html
> http://SpeakupModified.Org/HOWTO_INSTALL.html
> Thanks for this Janina, so it's a simple entry in the rc.  I'm not sure if I understand the syntax but it'll be easy to look it up.
> Gena
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Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.202.595.7777;	sip:janina at a11y.org
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

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Chair, Open Accessibility	janina at a11y.org	
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