ot perhaps, spell checkers for pine?

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Sat Apr 28 19:07:17 EDT 2007

I am a shellworld baby, as  I have often shared.  While Ken is marvelous 
as to keeping us up to date the best way he can, I do have a 
question...actually two.
We have a spell checker incorporated into our pine setup.  It is apparently 
not full proof though as I discover missed obvious misspellings later, and 
others have noted this too.
I have no idea what we are using, I can find out of course, but does 
anyone know of a great option for pine, perhaps that even has a thesaurus?
Second, once in a while others make mention of other browsers aside from 
Lynx the cat and the two variations in name of the chain, links and 
for reasons that I respect even if I do not understand them, e-links cannot 
be made to work on shellworld just now.  I realize others dislike it, but 
I found it helpful when links itself was not working well with javascript 
Any other browser ideas we might want to refer to Ken for consideration?
Thanks all around,

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