configuration assistance needed

Chuck Hallenbeck chuckh at
Sun Oct 29 19:52:38 EST 2006

I am hoping someone might volunteer to help me help someone in two areas 
where I have limited experience. The person needing help is running a 
Debian unstable system with a 24X7 presence on the internet, and is a 
competent user. The areas he needs help with are configuring vsftp, and 
installing/configuring gnome with orca and speech-dispatcher. He 
accesses his system with speakup and an ltlk device, and with a 
refreshable braille display. Arrangements can be made to log onto his 
system for the purpose of helping him with these two areas.

I'm still involved here, but have no specific experience with vsftp or 
with the gui, and I know that others do have such familiarity. So 
please, if you would like to earn browny points for future good citizen 
awards, drop me a note off line for more details.

Many thanks,


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