New Linux PDA For Blind People

David Poehlman david.poehlman at
Fri Mar 31 00:52:40 EST 2006

Hi all,

I'll weigh in here because I've been reading from newest to oldest  
and still haven't seen clearly a couple of things.

2> No matter how low the price point, it willl be too high for  
someone.  A decent car costs a big dollar, but we have plenty of  
chances to be run over bby them around here.

2> I'd agree, apple have set the bar here.  I can buy a computer now  
and use it with nothing to ad.  Yes, that's been said, but do the  
math?  I was in a room today where we talked about selling 800 units  
of something for 6 grand and another 800 units of something similar  
for 3 grand.  Wow, what a big number difference.

There's enough going on in the tech world of the disabled now that  
soon, we'll see drastic reductions in the cost of the path to fredom  
but folk must be willing to take that path or it will become choked  
off by weeds as so many have been before.

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