ogg player with pause, rewind, fast forward?
John Heim
jheim at math.wisc.edu
Tue Mar 28 18:02:11 EST 2006
Anybody know of a command line ogg player that has features like pause,
fast forward, and rewind?
I have been recording radio program s and TV shows (just the audio of
course) in ogg format. But when the program is a half hour or longer, you
need to be able to pause and rewind.
PS: Below is the script I use to record audio. A typical cron entry would
be like this:
45 3 * * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/rec2ogg /home/john/public_html/bbc/%a.ogg 900 30
The first parameter to rec2ogg is a file spec. you can use date command
format symbols. For example, in the line above, %a returns Sun, Mon, ...
Sat. The second parameter is seconds to record. 900 seconds equals 15
minutes. The third parameter is an optional number of seconds to wait
before beginning to record. That's so you don't have to put up with 30
seconds of dreck at the beginning of a recording since cron's granularity
is 1 minute.
So the above example runs rec2ogg at 3:45 AM, Monday through Friday. Each
day, rec2ogg sleeps for 30 seconds, then records for 15 minutes saving the
output in Mon.ogg on Monday, Tue.ogg on Tuesday, etc.
if test -z $2; then
echo "Use: rec2wav <file_spec> <record_seconds> [<wait_seconds>]"
if test -d $1; then
if test ! -z $3; then
sleep $3
FILE=`date +"$SPEC"`
sox -V -r 44100 -c 2 -t ossdsp -w -s /dev/dsp -t wav - filter 0-16000
l | oggenc -Q - -o $FILE -b 128&
sleep $2
kill -9 $REC_PID
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